The aim of GROUP VALERO’S management is to maintain a Quality Management System in accordance with the standard UNE-EN-ISO 9001:2015 to:

  • Be more aware of customer needs and expectations. We set our strategic plans and goals in line with their needs.
  • Promote a positive employee development and participation environment.
  • Collaborate with as many organisations as may be necessary in order to improve the services provided.
  • Continue improving the efficiency of the Quality Management System by Management revising it, based on the data provided by: customer complaints, internal and audit outcomes, production controls, etc.
  • Ensure company growth through the achievement of set quality goals.
  • Spread and make the Quality Policy easy to understand and make all personnel take part in it. In order to do so the following channels will be used:
    • Informative notes and posters throughout the organisation’s facilities.
    • Informing all current staff and new staff by providing a copy of this policy.

This way, all members of staff will become part of the Quality Management System.

  • Ensure that the policy herein is still suitable for the organisation. This will be carried out during the Management’s review of the system.

All the above is part of GROUP VALERO’s Quality Policy, and in witness whereof, I sign it:


Signed: Mr. José Manuel Valero Salinas


Date. 30/06/2017

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