A dream, a reality...
Valero was founded in 1982 under the name Industrial Valero, and from its very beginning it was dedicated to manufacturing and trading cardboard tubes for the textile, rope, paper and plastic industry.
Already from our first steps we were known for our strong commitment to R+D+I. It is for this reason that Tubotec was created in 1986. It is a Kraft tube of cardboard, aluminium and polyethylene, intended for use as circular pillar formworks in construction. This marked the beginning of Valero’s activities in this sector, where we are leaders today.
Valero’s commitment to R+D+I has led to such renowned, widely known products as the heat-shaped Reltec cornice (1992), or the unique Donpol insulation range (1996) pioneer in identifying density and use of each insulation assigning a predetermined colour, guaranteeing a quality no other manufacturer of Expanded Polystyrene can provide in Spain.
To this we must add our continuous effort to keep growing and always offer the best quality and service to our customers. Thus, today we have become a diverse group, with a strong presence in sectors besides construction such as industry or containers and packaging, and with great potential in international markets.
Visit our plants here.